Storage Roots | Their Types, Differences with Examples

The root is a part of the plant present under the soil.

Its primary function is to absorb water and minerals that a plant needs to survive in the soil.

Further, the roots fix the plant to the soil and support the whole part above the ground.

Roots may also serve as organs for vegetative propagation or storage organ. These roots are called storage roots and are of the following types.

Types of storage roots

  1. Conical roots
  2. Tuberous roots
  3. Napiform roots
  4. Fusiform roots
  • Since these roots store food for future use, they are also known as storage roots or fleshy roots.
  • This storage portion of the root is a modification of the taproot system
  • The taproot system is a mass of roots that develops from the radicle of the embryo.
  • It consists of the main taproot (primary, thickest, longest), which branches into second­ary roots.
  • Each secondary root subsequently branches into many tertiary roots and rootlets.
  • In storage roots, the taproot becomes enlarged and swollen due to the storage of food.
  • Hypocotyl (embryonic region present between cotyledons and radicle) may also join the taproot in storing food.
  • The stem is reduced (less prominent and underdeveloped) and discoid in shape in the beginning and bears radical leaves.
  • Secondary roots over it remain thin and do not swell up.

Conical roots

storage roots carrot
  • Here the fleshy storage root is conical in shape. 
  • The root is thickest towards the stem and thins down towards the apex (away from the stem). 
  • The secondary roots are thread-like and numerous in the count. They develop over the entire length of the conical root.
  • This conical shape ensures the least resistance to the root as it burrows through the soil.
  • An example of a conical fleshy root is Carrot (Daucus carota).

Tuberous root

  • They are also referred to as tubercular roots.
  • This type of taproot has a secondary or tertiary branch that is swollen in an irregular shape.
  • The structure has multiple swellings and bumps.
  • One taproot system may possess more than one tubercle at multiple branches from the main taproot.
  • A few examples of this type of modification include Mirabilis jalapa ( 4 o’clock plant), Trichosanthes (Pointed gourd), Echinocystis lobata, etc.

In Echinocystis lobata, the tuberous root is lobed and weighs as much as 22 kg.

Napiform root

storage roots beet root
  • This type of fleshy root has a top-like body.
  • The body is nearly globular in shape and thins out suddenly towards the apical region.
  • Prime examples of napiform modification of taproots are seen in Brassica rapa (turnip), Beta vulgaris (Beet), etc.
  • In Beta vulgaris, the swollen part containing the food is formed by combining hypocotyl and taproot.
  • The taproot can be distinguished from the hypocotyl region because it has thread-like secondary roots over it, while the hypocotyl region does not have any secondary roots.
  • In Brassica rapa, the major part of the storage root is formed from the hypocotyl part of the embryo.
  • The taproot is present towards the tapering apical region and is modified to store food though its contribution is minor.
  • As the taproot is only present towards the apical region, the thread-like secondary roots are formed only at the apex.
  • The swollen part of the root is composed of hypocotyl and does not have any secondary roots.

Fusiform root

storage roots
  • The fusiform root is spindle-shaped. It is narrow towards both the base and the apex.
  • The root is thickest in the middle part. The hypocotyl also contributes to the formation of the modified root. 
  • A well-known example of fusiform root modification is Radish (Raphanus sativus).
  • In European radishes, the hypocotyl part constitutes more than half of the modified root, while in Indian radishes, it makes up less than half of the storage root.
  • In European Radish, the taproot forms only the terminal tapering towards the apex of the root.
  • The hypocotyl forms the middle and the basal fleshy parts of the root.
  • The fusiform root of Indian Radish consists of a swollen hypocotyl near the base.
  • The rest of the root(apical and middle) is formed by the swollen taproot.
  • The taproot possesses thin and thread-like secondary roots.

Differences between fusiform and napiform roots

Sl.NOFusiform rootNapiform root
1The outline is spindle-likeThe outline is top-like.
2The middle path is the thickestThe basal part is the thickest.
3The apex narrows graduallyThe apex thins out suddenly.
4The hypocotyl forms half or less than half of the storage rootThe hypocotyl forms half or more than half of the storage root.
5The taproot is a part of the storage rootThe taproot may or may not be a
part of the storage root. It is
unthickened in Turnip but partly
thickened in Beet.
6Thin secondary roots are present from where the taproot starts.The thin thread-like secondary roots are only present at the apical
region of the root.

Features of modified storage roots

  • The storage root mainly stores starch and water.
  • Starch is stored in the form of amylase and amylopectin sugar, which is broken down to release glucose. The glucose is oxidized to release energy.
  • This can be used in adverse conditions when water and food supply is reduced, and nutrients can be mobilized.
  • The reservoir is also used to provide energy during the growing season.
  • The roots are underground and are hidden from herbivores like goats, cows, etc. Thus it is an adaptation technique.

Other modifications of roots include

  1. Nodulated roots in lentils (harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules),
  2. Pneumatophores in mangroves (roots come out of waterlogged marshy areas to help in gaseous exchange), or
  3. Buttress roots (support heavy trunk).

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